My best bud Roxie died at the end of May. She had been ill with Ovarian Cysts, but had been still hungry and active up till the last weekend, when she went downhill rapidly. My friends helped me out as it was too hard for me to take her alone to her vets where I let her go. I would've preferred she would pass from this life at her home, but she was so sickly I couldn't bear to see her suffer another hour.
Roxie was a very special friend to me, and I miss her every day. Her little squeeks when I found her sauna-ing under her blankie, her squeeeps of excitement when the plastic bags rustled or the fridge door opened, her dancing on her hind legs begging for a strawberry, cucumber bit or carrot. The way she grabbed food from my hand and ran with it to her secret hiding place - her puffing up all her fur to look big and threatning while she ate, her relentless chasing of Gloria and trying to hump her (her hormones were whacked the last year), and her unescapable persnickety-ness, here nippy, hornery individuality. She was tough, and didn't let life go without a struggle- I think she would've liked to stay around but her life burned brightly and sometimes the brightest lights go out the fastest.
Gloria and I will always miss our boss, Roxie. Now it's hard to know what to do, but we'll carry on.